Nvidia introduces the new AI brain

Jetson AGX Orin is a small-size supercomputer that will seek to increase the power that the cars and robots of the future will be able to process

The multinational company Nvidia, developed a series of robotic AI brains  in 2018 and recently unveiled its new module called Jetson AGX Orin, which has a processing power six times faster than its predecessor Xavier and a super reduced size.

The new Orin was created to be a “low-power AI supercomputer”, especially for use in “robotics, autonomous and medical devices, as well as extreme AI applications that currently don’t seem possible.”

Robotics has very specialized procedures and requires a chip called a brain with a very high processing capacity, capable of executing about “200 billion operations per second“, capable of performing various AI applications with efficient energy consumption.

Orin was made with an “Nvidia Ampere GPU architecture” characterized by an Arm Cortex-A78AE chip, with “Deep Learning specifications, vision accelerators and the ability to run multiple Artificial Intelligence apps”.

Nvidia has long tried to lead in the field of autonomous cars and estimates that the Jetson AGX Orin will be released in the first months of next year, although the exact date and price at which it will be marketed is unknown.

M. Rodríguez

Source: tekcrispy.com

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