Now you can make video calls between Instagram and Facebook
The new service will also enable messaging so that users can communicate from one app to another
Since 2019, Mark Zuckerberg’s company, Facebook, has been announcing its intention to unify messaging services such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct on a single platform, and according to developments in terms of innovation, the US conglomerate is showing its progress slowly.
Now Facebook and Instagram users will be able to share messages between both applications, the option will work with the same messaging filters that are used on both platforms and people will be able to search for their contacts to send messages to Instagram Direct and vice versa.
The announcement that was made a few days ago in the United States also allows the community to share publications. However, many users continue to receive notifications on their mobile phones about the integration of the service.
Communication networks
Many users have shared the following on social networks: “Now you can search and send messages, video chat or share posts with people on Instagram and Facebook… People with Instagram accounts can search for you and send you message requests on Facebook. You can choose who sends you messages in the settings.”
Despite the controversy that Mark Zockerberg has had to deal with, advances in the technological field have taken their course for the benefit of users. With this novelty, Instagram started to have an icon to access Messenger direct messages: instead of the traditional paper plane, the app showed the conversation balloon with a lightning bolt, the Facebook Messenger icon.
Source: genbeta