Netflix launches support for spatial audio on iPhone and iPad
The company has confirmed the gradual deployment of the function and for its activation users must access the application's control center and enable it
The audiovisual streaming platform Netflix has begun to launch support for the spatial audio function among users of iPhone and iPad devices with high-end Apple headphones.
Apple introduced spatial audio for users of its Apple Music service last May. With support for Dolby Atmos, this feature creates an immersive experience that gives the user the impression that the sound is coming from around them and above them.
A Netflix spokesperson has confirmed that the application has begun to launch spatial audio among its iPhone and iPad users with iOS 14 and later versions of the operating system.
To activate spatial audio, Netflix users on Apple mobiles must access the application’s control center, from where it is possible to enable the function.
This feature is exclusive to the AirPods Pro and Max, the latest high-end wireless headphones from the US brand (‘true wireless’ headband, respectively).
Source: dpa