Latin America experiences a wave of cautious innovation in AI

Latin America's advance in the discipline of artificial intelligence marks a before and after in the social and business sectors

Rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly reshaping society and business globally.

However, in Latin America, a high level of distrust (or perhaps prudence) towards this disruptive technology persists, as revealed by a leading regional expert.

Challenges and mistrust

Limited access to AI technology in the region, fear of job loss by workers, and widespread reluctance to share personal data are key factors hindering the development of AI in Latin America, according to Alejandro Anderlic, Director of Government Affairs and Public Policy at the technology company Salesforce.

AI is a powerful tool that can bring substantial benefits to society and businesses. Salesforce advocates for “ethical artificial intelligence,” which refers to the responsible use of this technology.

The company has established an “Ethical and Humane Use Office” since 2018, with a focus on deploying trustworthy, responsible, inclusive and transparent AI.

Anderlic emphasizes that the perception of AI technology as trustworthy depends on factors such as respect for privacy, security and ownership of data.

Fourth industrial revolution

According to Anderlic, we are immersed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where AI, machine learning, cloud computing, data analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT) are having a profound impact on everyday life and the labor sphere.

This revolution is characterized by its astonishing speed and its influence not only on technology, but also on politics, the economy and society in general.

In relation to the social gap, Anderlic highlights the importance of democratizing AI in Latin America, guaranteeing that everyone has access to this technology and its benefits.

The region has great potential in terms of human capital and creativity, which could boost its development and transformation.

Taken and with Doble Llave information

(Referential image source: ZHENYU LUO, Unsplash)

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