Google Chrome strengthens IP addresses protection

In order to protect the IP address of users, Google Chrome works on a proxy server-based feature

Google prepares a new tool for Chrome based on intermediary privacy proxy servers, which hide specific third-party domains. The initiative is focused on protecting IP addresses and user data.

Through IP Protection (formerly Gnatcatcher), within the firm’s privacy tools portfolio, Google will work with a list of pre-established domains to gradually implement the new function that will be divided into several phases.

In this sense, Phase “0” will involve the use of a single ‘proxy’ owned by Google and will send requests to domains owned by the firm. “This first phase will allow us to test our infrastructure and, at the same time, will avoid the impact on other companies and will give us more time to refine the list of new proxy domains,” the company told dpa.

A small group of automatically enrolled customers participate in these first tests in the United States. “The company has also recognized that, for the use of this privacy solution, neither the proxy nor the network intermediaries will be aware of the content of users’ traffic during browsing.”

They will work with a two-scenario proxy system: “while Google will run the first of these, the second will run through an external content delivery network (CDN). Google hopes to ensure that no proxy can see both the client’s IP address at the destination.

With customer privacy as its goal, Google launches a new layer of protection for IP addresses and in this way seeks to prevent them from being used as a tracking vector, which would be a gateway for cybercriminals today.

Google has noted that if the IP Protection system is compromised, hackers could “see and manipulate the traffic that passes through it. To mitigate this situation, Google is considering requiring users to authenticate to the proxy, preventing proxies from linking web requests to specific accounts, and introducing a rate limit to prevent DDoS attacks,” said Programaticaly portal.

With information from dpa and international media

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