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oil production

New challenges for Peru in oil matters

Oil production again rubs 60 thousand barrels per day (bpd), after several years of dangerous approach to 40 thousand barrels. To this end, the Norperuano Pipeline (ONP) and the efforts of several oil companies, such as CNPC and,…

EU extends economic sanctions to Russia

Sanctions applied by the European Union to Russia will be extended for an additional six months. The decision of the Council was made based on the role of the country in the separatist crisis in eastern Ukraine and for not having applied…

Venezuelan GDP has fallen 52% in six years

Since 2015, the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV in Spanish) had not published economic indicators and this week the data that has been systematically hidden appeared unexpectedly on the institution's website. The figures published reveal a…

Venezuela would show an economic growth for 2020

One of the founders of the firm Ecoanalítica, Asdrúbal Oliveros summarized the quarterly report of the financial services company Barclays, which predicts economic growth for Venezuela in 2020. "By 2020, according to Barclays, Venezuela…