Consecomercio calls for reactivation of the economy in Venezuela

The National Council of Commerce and Services (Consecomercio), in a meeting with merchants and service providers, emphasized the need to reactivate economic activity in Venezuela

The National Council of Commerce and Services (Consecomercio) called for the reactivation of the economy in Venezuela last Thursday, in a meeting with merchants and service providers.

Given the uncertainty prevailing in the country after the presidential elections on July 28, the organization advocates for the progressive restoration of commercial activity. On the other hand, he urged that private and public property be respected.

In a statement, Consecomercio stressed “the need to restore trust and establish conditions that favor commercial development,” in addition to reaffirming “its commitment to the rights of businessmen and consumers.”

From the organization they indicated that despite the slowdown in commercial activity, Consecomercio anticipates a gradual reactivation in the short term through trust, which requires the “creation of understanding mechanisms with the participation of actors from all sectors.”

According to the organization, it is essential that human and economic rights are respected, within “democratic principles that seek, above all, the well-being of citizens.”


Source: correodelcaroni

(Reference image source: Nathália Rosa in Unsplash)

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