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Argentina has three lithium exporting companies

Three lithium exporting companies in Argentina give a boost to exports to other countries. Livent, Alkem and, more recently, Minera Exar, are the pillars of this industry in the South American country. In the first seven months of 2023,…

The BRICS approve the entry of new members

This Thursday, during the BRICS meeting in South Africa on the occasion of the group's fifteenth summit, the entry of new members was announced: Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia. The extension of the…

Inflation in Argentina reached 6.3 % in July

Inflation in Argentina registered an increase of 6.3 % in July, accumulating a total of 60.2 % since January, a figure that positions it among the highest in the world, according to the report of the official Institute of statistics Indec.…

Javier Milei won the primaries in Argentina

The big surprise of the last electoral night in Argentina was the triumph of the economist Javier Milei and his ultra-conservative coalition La Libertad Avanza, after achieving 30% of the votes, mostly coming from discontent. Milei was a…