El Salvador approves reforms to the Constitution

Article 248 of the current Constitution of El Salvador will be modified, in accordance with the recent approval of the country's Parliament

The Parliament of El Salvador approved on Monday, April 29, changes to an article of the current Constitution, which clears the way to facilitate constitutional reforms.

The request was presented by the ruling party, which is the majority in Congress, and was approved without prior study or analysis.

It is important to note that the change, approved two days before the next Congress was elected, must await the approval of parliamentarians.

The changes will be made to article 248, which in its second paragraph establishes “that the only way to modify the Constitution is through approval in a legislature with a simple majority and its ratification with the vote of two-thirds of the parties, that is, 56 congressmen. The approved amendment adds that this process can be carried out in the same legislature with three-quarters of the elected deputies (45 out of 60).”

In the current legislature, Nuevas Ideas (NI), Bukele’s party, has 56 congressmen out of 84 and has the support of 8 parliamentarians from allied political formations. In the following period, the NI will occupy 54 seats out of 60 (after the reduction in the number of deputies in Congress), plus two allied deputies.

The approved decree aims to provide the “necessary tools to face the social realities that Salvadorans demand in the face of the constant changes that the world faces rapidly.”

According to Christian Guevara, head of the ruling party’s bench, “we are not taking anything away from the Constitution, what we are doing is adapting it to the changes demanded by the new reality.”


Source: DW

(Reference image source: Unsplash+, in collaboration with Getty Images)

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