Cyber attack paralyzed the largest pipeline network in the US

Colonial that supplies the large population centers in the east and south of the nation had to paralyze 8,850 kilometers of oil pipelines

Colonial, which is the largest pipeline network in the United States (USA), was forced to suspend its operations due to a cyberattack, both those responsible and the severity of this attack are still unknown, the company said in a statement.

The corporation had to stop its operations in the 8,850 kilometers of oil pipelines that it manages and are essential to supply the large population centers in the east and south of the nation. The firm transports up to 2.5 million barrels of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel per day from refineries in the Gulf of Mexico to large cities in southern and eastern North America.

As he explained on his website, the work being carried out is quite important for the east coast of the US, since they are responsible for 45% of the transportation of fuels on that surface or territory.

The company also detailed that, when the cyber attack was detected, they contacted a cybersecurity company, which is investigating what happened, and alerted the federal government security forces.

The corporation did not offer further details on how long the pipelines it manages will be closed or stopped.In Washington security circles, they are concerned that enemies, such as China and Russia, may use cyberattacks against basic infrastructures for the operation of the country, such as the electricity grid or pipelines. Joe Biden, US president, plans to sign an executive order in the near future with the aim of increasing cybersecurity in critical infrastructures for the US economy.

Source: Doblellave

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