Copper industry favors Chile’s economy

A recent report reveals that the copper sector has improved its performance, which favors the market of meetings and incentive trips

Several factors combine in favor of the Chilean economy. One of them is the improvement in the copper industry, whose performance positively benefits the MICE sector, or tourism and incentive trips.

Tourism is a great source of income for the countries of Latin America. In the case of Chile, and according to a report recently published by the PUNTO MICE Group, the Chilean economy currently benefits from “an increase in the sales team conventions of mining companies.”

In fact, 35% of the contractors of the South American country will increase the number of operations during 2019, to achieve an investment of 27% more than last year.

Analysts believe that the incentive travel sector is not yet strongly consolidated in Chile, as in Argentina, Colombia or Brazil. In addition, it has limitations of budget and transfer of visitors, with groups of only 50 people or less.

In any case, the financial authorities are betting on the benefits of the copper industry to diversify the tourism sector beyond Santiago de Chile – the capital – and Valparaíso-Viña de Mar.



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