Artificial intelligence could have a negative effect on electoral processes
According to a group of Latin American experts, AI could have a negative impact on electoral processes, due to the use of algorithms to replicate human activity
Latin American experts met this week in New York, where they warned of the impact that the use of artificial intelligence can have on the region’s electoral processes and asked to address regulations and good practices in the use of these increasingly accessible and capable advances. to replicate human tasks.
The last day of the Global Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean, which was held for two days at the Union League Club in New York, dealt with artificial intelligence, its regulation for responsible use and how it can impact democracies and the elections.
The former Dominican president and president of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode), Leonel Fernández, considered that artificial intelligence can affect electoral processes, above all, because algorithms can be used that contribute to generating a wrong perception of reality and therefore misinform the voter.
Absence of regulations
“Democracy would be affected because it would no longer be the legitimate representation of the popular will, it would be a manipulated, uninformed, distorted will and then there would be a triumph of post-truth,” commented Fernández at the forum organized in New York during the General Assembly of the UN by Funglode and International IDEA.
To avoid distortions in the upcoming electoral processes due to artificial intelligence and so that this does not affect the world’s democracies, the lawyer and member of the Venice Commission, José Luis Vargas Valdez, has demanded agility in regulation, establishing with the non-negotiable minimum industry standards and create standards and institutions to match global efforts.
The professor of Constitutional Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, Mario Hernández, spoke about the two regulations that the European Union is making on the regulation of artificial intelligence and which are expected to be ready in May 2024.
A global concern
“They are not national regulatory processes but international ones, and in one of them other countries in the world outside the EU even participate,” said Hernández.
The expert on Freedom of Expression and Elections from the UNESCO Organization for Education, Science and Culture, Albertina Piterbarg, also joined this event, defending that freedom of expression is fundamental and that we must be very pending of the four “vs”: the volume of information communicated, the speed at which it spreads, virality and the plausibility of creating content that seems true, but that misinforms.
For Piterbarg, artificial intelligence impacts political and social processes in many ways, in addition to the free circulation of ideas, and he commented that UNESCO is working on regulatory frameworks for 2024.
Taken and with Doble Llave information
(Reference image source: Unsplash, in collaboration with Kamran Abdullayev)
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