Android tests feature that identifies phishing attacks

User security is a priority for Android. To help detect phishing attacks, it has begun testing a function that analyzes phone applications for threats

Android seeks to prevent cyberattacks on its users. In this sense, it is testing a function that analyzes smartphone applications in search of threats, particularly phishing attacks.

This type of cyberattack is based on the use of the “social engineering” technique to impersonate the identity of a company, website or public body and, thus, trick the user into obtaining personal information or confidential data.

Usually, these attacks are spread through the sending of fake emails, since they impersonate the legitimate entity. But cybercriminals also use social networks or fake applications to steal user data, credit cards, among others.

The new Android feature that allows you to analyze applications and detect potential threats can be found as “search for misleading applications and has been detected by Android Police after analyzing the second beta version of Android 14 QPR2. Thus, this feature is found as an option within the device settings, in the Security and privacy section and, later, in the More security and privacy tab.

The feature will scan the applications in a private process. In case of a detected threat, the user is notified, in addition to sending a notification to Google Play Protect. In order to warn other users about the potential threat and prevent them from downloading the application.

Through the source code of this beta version of Android 14, a new system called ContentProtection has also been identified, to “detect the moment in which an application tries to show a password or asks the user for information related to their name, email or phone number.”


Source: news.euro

(Reference image source: Denny Müller, Unsplash)

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