Expectation of economic growth in Uruguay is reduced

The country is highly vulnerable to any contraction that may occur in the economies of Argentina and Brazil, its main neighbors

The Latin American economic environment affects the growth of Uruguay, where the expectation has been reduced by 2018. Although the nation experienced an expansion of 2.7 in 2017, for the rest of this year the authorities estimate that it will not exceed 2,5 against the goal of 3% that had been set.

Uruguay reduced its dependence on the main competitors in the region, Argentina and Brazil. However, it remains vulnerable to the ups and downs suffered by the economy of these countries.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the contraction of the expectation of growth is due to the fact that the nation is evolving asymmetrically in the various sectors, besides that employment and investment are currently very weak.

An indicator that maintains the strength of Uruguayans is the reduction of poverty from 9.6 (2016) to 7.9 (2017). The middle class purchase capacity experienced a rebound, according to a study by the United Nations Development Program.

Despite the outlook around it, Uruguay could have sustained growth in the next 16 years, only by strengthening employment and coordinating policies that help achieve symmetry in the advancement of the various sectors of national life.


Source: Alainet.org

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