Squad, a service to enjoy online content with friends

Now on the platform you can share content from the browser or the smartphone

Squad has diversified its streaming services with multiple options when sharing with friends online to watch movies and meet in an online movie theater to enjoy the various options offered by this entertainment portal.

The use of the platform has been more recurrent in this period of quarantine and social isolation. While YouTube, Netflix, and more share content with online friends, share screen, and some others support the video call option, Squad is more attractive because it understands all of the options mentioned above on its services.

To enjoy the platform it can be done for free without requiring registration processes. Upon check-in, you have the option to download the application for Android and iOS or create a room immediately.

Once the access to Squad is completed, you can simultaneously enjoy content from YouTube, Tik Tok and even movies available within the same platform. To access this option, click on the icons that refer to what the user wants and on the right side the available content will be displayed to start playing what the user wants.

According to the designers, the tool is extremely complete, easy to use and at zero cost, which is why they recommend that entertainment lovers wait no longer and enjoy this innovative multiplatform.


Source: tekcrispy

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