Twitter refuses to enable tweet editing option

Jack Dorsey ensures that platform users will never see the button to edit on the social network template

While other social networks such as Facebook or Instagram allow you to edit the publications and modify the text as many times as you want, on Twitter that option is not possible.

Many users have asked to incorporate this functionality that would avoid, for example, the uncomfortable task of deleting a tweet with an error or spelling  error and retyping it, something that happens frequently.

Given this, those responsible for the network have been very sharp in their position and in a Q&A program with the readers of Wired magazine, Jack Dorsey, creator of the content platform reiterated a resounding “no” to the request.

For his part, the head of Twitter product, Kayvon Beykpour, announced last summer that “it is a feature that I think we should develop at some point, but it is not one of our priorities.”

However, Dorsey justifies his decision by claiming that Twitter started “as an SMS text message service. And as everyone knows, when you send a text message, you can’t really take it back”. He adds: “We ​​want to preserve that environment, that feeling of the first days.”


Source: lavanguardia

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