Chile will handle digital currency in renewable energy trading

Belinus startup announced the launch of SolarToken, a project that will be supported by the Chilean government as well as public and private companies that wish to develop blockchain solutions

Belinus company has been developing solutions related to the management and distribution of electricity in virtually inexhaustible ways through blockchain aimed at the democratization of the way of buying and selling energy. The company announced that on October 8 the launch of the SolarToken cryptoactive will begin its commercialization in a transparent and decentralized way.

According to information published by several Chilean media, the new initiative contemplates that each token will have an equivalent value in Kw / h produced in a renewable way, being considered an ERC-20 digital asset that operates in the Ethereum Blockchain network as well as with smart contracts.

The project has the support of public and private organizations, among which the Government of Chile, Corfo (Regional Program for Entrepreneurship Support), the Chilean Solar Energy Association, Cowork Atacama, Chrysalis Incubadora and the Catholic University of Chile.

Those responsible for the innovative proposal announced that there are only 150 SolarToken available, of which 65% will be available for public and private sales campaigns. Another 15% will be allocated to the work team, 15% to promote the growth of the community and the remaining 5% to support those associated with the platform.

For his part, the president of the Chilean Association of Renewable Energy and Storage, José Ignacio Escobar, considers this initiative as “a project that will allow democratizing energy transactions, being able to access international markets through these virtual tokens and mainly helping the renewable energy markets in Chile and the world”.


Source: dailybitcoin

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