French tobacconists adopt bitcoin for sale

In spite of the doubts and uncertainty that exists around the cryptocurrency, there is a project that wants to extend this experiment to 6,500 businesses of this type

Different tobacco shops in France began accepting payments in bitcoins in exchange for fiat money, despite all the uncertainty that has been created around the cryptocurrency.

The reports issued by Reuters assure that the most important digital asset in the world is for sale in six different tobacco stores in the French capital.

The followers of this world will now be able to acquire vouchers of bitcoins valid for 50, 100 and 250 euros. These vouchers, which contain an alphanumeric code and a QR, can be exchanged for cryptocurrencies on the Keplerk website.

The co-founder of the company, Adil Zakhar, assured that the plan is to expand this experiment to 6,500 tobacco shops by next February.

The French Federation of tobacco growers obtained permission to market bitcoin in their establishments by the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR), an independent agency that operates under the auspices of the Central Bank of the country.

K. Tovar

Source: Coincrispy

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