Venezuela’s tourism sector maintains sustained growth

The Minister of Tourism of Venezuela, Alí ​​Padrón, pointed out that the tourism industry has shown sustained growth for 11 consecutive quarters

Venezuela’s Minister of Tourism, Alí ​​Padrón, recently stated that the sector has shown sustained growth for 11 consecutive quarters.

According to Padrón, tourism is “the secret weapon of the Venezuelan economy.” The country continues working to diversify the economy and break the oil model.

The minister highlighted some actions so far, such as “the visits of the largest tour operators in Portugal and influencers with the aim of showing them the tourism opportunities in the country.”

The boost that has been given to tourism, promoting trips abroad and promoting Venezuelan destinations, has had a positive impact on the national economy.

As one of the most immediate plans in the tourist area, he mentioned the upcoming opening of the first accessible beach in Adícora, Falcón state, in Western Venezuela, “intended for the enjoyment of people who have physical or intellectual disabilities.”


Source: Expreso

(Reference image source: Bona Lee in Unsplash)

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