Use of VPNs grew up to 184% in 2021
Downloads through VPNs increased considerably during 2021, which consolidates the use of this tool
Virtual Private Network (VPN) downloads grew 184% last year, a figure that reflects the growing popularity and consolidation of a tool virtually unknown until five years ago.
VPNs appeared about 25 years ago to protect transfers within corporate environments. Although they began to become popular about five years ago, AtlasVPN points out that it was the need to telework and the threat of cybercrime due to the growing use of the Internet that have ended up consolidating them.
So much so that downloads of these applications from the Apple and Google stores grew by 184 % last year, reaching 785 million, compared to 277 million in 2020, as stated in their latest report.
AtlasVPN’s analysis, focused on 85 countries, indicates that Qatar has the highest adoption of this technology (69.69 %), with two million unique downloads in 2021. The VPN adoption rate relates the volume of discharges with the population of the country.
They are followed by the United Arab Emirates (59.52 %), with 5,886,566 downloads; Singapore (49.14 %), with 2,874,601; and Saudi Arabia (36.65 %), with 12,760,979. Spain is ranked 74th, with an adoption of 6.3 % and 2,945,038 downloads in 2021.
Source: dpa