Twitter camera allows users to share their own content on iOS

The social network Twitter added a creative new feature to its iOS operating system that allows users to share their own content using their camera

The Twitter app for iOS devices has been updated with a creative new version that allows users to share their own content like a GIF from photos or videos using their own camera within the social network.

According to the information provided, the company has simplified the way to create and share a GIF, just by pressing the write button and publishing a new tweet.

Once inside the window to write the tweet, the camera icon that appears in the inner strip of the box is pressed. Then the user can decide if he wants to attach a photo, a video or Use animated GIF, selecting the last one will be ready to publish.

This new feature is available on iOS and allows you to either create a new ‘tweet’ with your own GIF or use it in a reply. The company that owns the social network has not commented on the availability of this function for the Android system, but it is estimated that they will incorporate it in a short time.

M. Rodríguez


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