TikTok works on 24-hour stories

The Chinese social network wants to enter the same market as Snapchat or Instagram, adding ephemeral content

TikTok followed the trend of platforms such as Snapchat or Instagram adding the “Stories”, or ephemeral content that disappears after a day, as part of a test of the company to offer a new content format.

Stories are one of the content formats that are most successful among users of social networks, such as Snapchat, the first to introduce them in 2013, or Instagram. In WhatsApp they are known as States.

This format has in common on all platforms that it expires and disappears after 24 hours. And now TikTok is testing its own Stories, as commented by analyst Matt Navarra.

This new TikTok feature is part of a test the company is running. Those who have been able to access this format, have seen a new sidebar, with options to create and share and view those of the contacts. They also disappear within 24 hours.

K. Tovar

Source: Cincodías

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