The United Kingdom will seek to enter the T-MEC treaty

Prime Minister Boris Johnson will seek to join the trilateral agreement, after failing in achieving one with the United States

The United Kingdom announced that it will seek to join the Treaty to which Mexico, the United States and Canada are parties.

After having abandoned its plan to reach an agreement with the US government, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s administration will try in every way to join the trilateral treaty.

Johnson met this week in person with US President Joe Biden, who allegedly made it clear that the agreement between the two nations is not a priority.

After the political and economic divorce between the United Kingdom and the European Union, the prime minister bet on negotiating a trade agreement with the United States. Then-President Donald Trump left the door open to that possibility, but nothing happened during his administration.

Joining the T-MEC is, at the moment, one of several options that the UK will seek. There is also the possibility that it will conclude several smaller agreements with the US.

K. Tovar

Source: Elfinanciero

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