Sundde supervises businesses compliance with the BCV dollar rate
The National Superintendency for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights (Sundde) keeps its officials deployed to verify compliance with the collection of the BCV dollar rate, official in Venezuela, in businesses
The officials of the National Superintendency for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights (Sundde) continue to monitor compliance in the collection of the official exchange rate established by the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) in the different businesses of the country.
Through a press release issued by the Ministry of National Commerce, Sundde officials supervise that the owners of businesses dedicated to the sale of food and supplies apply the BCV exchange rate in transactions.
The superintendency remains vigilant to guarantee the socioeconomic rights of the people, in addition to promoting information about the Organic Law of Fair Prices (LOPJ) and its compliance among merchants.
On the other hand, the Sundde has informed business owners about the consequences of non-compliance with the LOPJ while promoting fair trade and reinforcing the BCV’s exchange regulations.
The superintendency has also called on citizens to make any complaints they consider relevant in these cases through the number 0800-LOJUSTO (5658786) or the Sundde website:
Source: ultimasnoticias
(Reference image source: Unsplash+, in collaboration with Getty Images)
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