Smart textiles for medical purposes to be developed

A group of experts from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland, hope to provide surgical solutions and smart prosthetics

Technological advances applied to medicine offer novel solutions both in prevention and in the detection of diseases and assistance to patients. A group of researchers from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Switzerland, works on the development of smart textile fiber to collect data from medical parameters such as heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure.

Through a report on the technique they have reported that the fibers are made from elastomer and allow the incorporation of electrodes and nanocomposite polymers as in the case of materials used in some robots.

The combination of components and the capacity of deformation that reaches up to 500% makes the fiber ideal for the manufacture of clothing and smart prosthetics, in addition to artificial nerves and implants necessary in various surgical interventions.

The research and development of the smart fiber threads were carried out in the Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fiber Devices. They relied on the thermal stretching process that is applied for the production of optical fiber. By adding ultrasensitive electrodes at strategic locations, the fibers transform into smart sensors capable of capturing and recording health parameters data.

The purpose is to achieve the production of this smart textile material in large quantities with a microarchitecture and advanced functions to offer solutions in the medical sector as soon as possible.


Source: ConSalud

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