Pavel Durov would face 12 charges before a French court

The Paris Judicial Court brought 12 charges against Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. He is accused of allowing publications to promote child pornography and illicit articles, among others

Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, who was arrested in France on August 24, would face 12 charges brought by the Paris Judicial Court.

Durov has been accused of running a messaging network to promote crimes such as illicit substance use or child pornography.

The 12 charges charged are:

Complicity in the administration of Telegram, to enable an illegal transaction in an organized group.

Refusal to comply with requests from competent authorities, in addition to presenting the necessary documents in order to implement interceptions permitted by law.

Complicity in possession of pornographic images of minors.

Complicity in the distribution, offer or availability of pornographic images of minors, in an organized group.

Complicity in the acquisition, transportation, possession, offer or sale of narcotic substances.

Complicity in offering, selling or making available, without legitimate reason, tools, programs or data designed or adapted to obtain access to and damage the operation of an automated data processing system.

Complicity in criminal association.

Criminal association to commit a crime or an offense punishable by 5 or more years in prison.

Laundering of benefits derived from crimes and crimes of the organized group.

Provision of cryptographic services to ensure confidentiality without certified declaration.

Provision of a cryptographic tool that does not solely ensure authentication or integrity monitoring without prior declaration.

Import cryptographic tool for authentication or integrity monitoring without prior declaration.

Release on bail with charges

This same Thursday, according to Le Monde, the CEO of Telegram has been released on bail and is prohibited from leaving the country.

The Court established the amount of bail at five million euros. The investigations will continue and to ensure that he remains in France, Durov will have to report to a police station twice a week.


Source: diariobitcoin

(Reference image source: Unsplash+, in collaboration with Getty Images)

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