Monero is affected by malware increase

According to recent research there are approximately one million malicious miners

In previous investigations it was calculated that the malware figure for mining was 5% but the latest research on the subject shows that its calculations are more accurate.

According to the investigation conducted, there is a smaller amount than what was thought of Altcoin Monero (XMR) in circulation due to malware to mine digital currencies.

The study was conducted by Sergio Pastrana and Guillermo Suarez-Tangil who point out: “In this article, we conducted the largest measurement of cryptosine malware to date, analyzing approximately 4.4 million malware samples (1 million malicious miners).”

According to analysts, Monero is still the digital asset most prone to suffer from malicious operations and has an illegal offer of 4.36%, which represents $ 56 millions in profits.

The authors, Pastrana and Suarez-Tangil, corroborate that the malicious crypto mining is a growing, enriching and complex threat that requires control and efficient intervention methods.



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