Microsoft evaluates using blockchain to fight piracy

The company created by Bill Gates is proposing this alternative to be able to fight against this phenomenon of computing

Microsoft, together with researchers from Alibaba and Carnegie Mellon University, is working on a technology through blockchain that helps it fight against piracy.

The new system of the company created by Bill Gates, is based on the transparency of blockchain technology, developed from the ethereum network.

Argus is the name they gave to the project, aims to create a “trustless” style incentive mechanism which will seek to protect the data collected from the open anonymous population of piracy whistleblowers.

“We see this as a distributed system problem. In implementation, we overcome a set of inevitable obstacles to guarantee security despite full transparency,” reads part of the document.

Microsoft’s new system allows pirated content to be traced back to the source with a corresponding watermark algorithm, which is detailed in the document. Also called a “leak test,” each leaked content report involves an information concealment procedure.

K. Tovar

Source: Cointelegraph

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