GM applied for patent for autonomous vehicle information

The company General Motors wants to offer a safe and strong distribution system for the users of these cars

The company General Motors applied for a patent before the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the handling of the information of the autonomous vehicles.

The use of this system, which will be based on blockchain technology, will provide the possibility of having a “secure” and strong distribution system, as well as allowing the interoperability between multiple automated vehicles and other entities.

This patent proposes a platform that will be used to share information related to the range of practical needs, resources, legal records, among others; where also highlight the navigation routes, availability of cargo and fuel services, determine the validity of permits and licenses to operate vehicles.

General Motors said that the use of blockchain technology will allow users to interact in traffic management systems.

This is how the company joins BMW, Ford and Renault as a new member of the Mobility Oen Blockchain Initiative (MOBI), a joint initiative involving the blockchain industry giants IBM, IOTA and Hyperledger.

K. Tovar

Source: Criptotendencias

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