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Minimum wage in France increased

The Government of France announced this week the increase in the minimum wage in the region, which will now be 1,353 euros per month. This increase represents 1.8%, about 24 euros, more than the minimum income that an employee received in…

Inflation in Venezuela advances 19.6 % in May

Inflation in Venezuela stood at 19.6 % in May, accumulating a level of 2,950 % in the accumulated period of twelve months and 307.3 % so far this year, as reported this Wednesday by the Venezuelan Observatory of Finance. The coordinator of…

Nicolás Maduro decrees salary raise of 122.2%

The new monthly salary for Venezuelan workers was fixed on 40,000 bolivars, that is half of the value of petro - which passed form 36 to 80 thousand bolivars - according to Extraordinary Official Gazette number 6,452 dated April 25th.…