Telegram introduced group video calls to its service with a limit of up to 30 participants, a function that is complemented by the possibility of screen sharing.
Group video calls on the messaging network are started from voice chats, where a new camera-shaped icon was placed. Videos can be fixed,…
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official launch
Libra will be released in January 2021
Finally, Facebook's cryptocurrency, Libra, will go public next January for the use of the public.
After more than a year of work, the digital asset of the social network will finally be a reality. Initially Libra would arrive as a…
Central Bank of China has no date for the digital yuan
The president of the Central Bank of China, Yi Gang, assured that an exact date for the launch of the digital yuan does not exist today.
"These tests are just routine work for research and development of digital currency (R&D). No…
The iPhone 5G will arrive before December
The arrival of the first iPhone model with 5G connectivity will not be delayed and Apple maintains the date between September and December, despite delays in the production chain derived from the coronavirus pandemic, according to…