Canada among the countries with the highest cryptocurrency scams

At least 35 % of Canadian cryptocurrency holders would have been victims of scams according to a study by the Metropolitan University of Toronto

Cases of cryptocurrency scams have increased by 35 % according to the results of a recent survey conducted by Toronto Metropolitan University.

Among the reasons that have promoted this increase are factors such as the distrust that citizens still feel regarding cryptocurrency portals, the lack of knowledge about it, the sociocultural level of the client and the trust that people have in traditional banks.

The UMT survey found that most Canadians are wary of cryptocurrency exchanges. Almost 50 % have “little confidence” in this type of company, 25 % are “neutral”, while only 9 % have “high confidence”.

In most crypto frauds, large sums of money are involved, the product of user savings, which lead to the loss of assets, as well as personal and financial information.

The loss of capital from a cryptocurrency scam also involves theft of personal data (Reference image source: Unsplash, in collaboration with Getty Images)
The loss of capital from a cryptocurrency scam also involves theft of personal data (Reference image source: Unsplash, in collaboration with Getty Images)

The less information and the lower the educational level, the greater the risk of being a victim of a cryptocurrency scam in Canada, where the average age of investors in bitcoin, ether and other assets is between 25 and 35 years.

Another factor that possibly increases the risk of falling for a cryptocurrency scam is a low salary. The survey made it clear that people with salaries of less than $50,000 tend to “invest” their savings in crypto platforms to obtain juicy profits. This leads them, on many occasions, to lose everything.


Source: cripto247

(Reference image source: Unsplash, in collaboration with con Getty Images)

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