Brazil finally exceeds one million tourists

The data published by the International Traffic System determined that Brazil reached this figure after two years

Brazil exceeded the mark of one million foreign visitors in the first five months of 2022, according to data published by the International Traffic System (STI) of the country’s Federal Police.

This figure demonstrates the reactivation of the sector after two years of restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Until the month of April, tourist visits were 60 % higher than those of the entire year 2021. In May, the country received more than one million foreign tourists, something that had not happened since 2020, the year in which the pandemic broke out.

This increase in visitors is possible thanks to an increase in connectivity in the country, which is contributing to a greater number of arrivals. Brazil’s international air network also grew significantly in May 2022 and already represents 74.36 % of 2019 capacity.

Flights increased by 312.89 % compared to the same month of 2021, according to data from the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac).

According to the president of the Brazilian Agency for International Tourism Promotion Embratur, Silvio Nascimento, the data demonstrate the resumption of tourism in the country and reinforce the Agency’s mission to continue promoting the country internationally.

K. Tovar

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Source: Expreso

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