Instagram will launch independent online shopping app

IG Shopping will allow users of the social network to access publications of stores positioned in the market through promotions and thus integrate purchases to the platform

The social network Instagram works on a new independent application aimed at promoting the advertising of brands positioned in the market and purchases by the public.

The app is called IG Shopping and, according to Instagram spokespersons, it could become the Shopify competition, since it will offer similar functions to this platform.

At present, Instagram is the preferred social network for those who publish photographs, either for pleasure or for work. In fact, it has become a tool for new entrepreneurs in areas such as teaching, cosmetics, photography, fashion and clothing. Currently, about 25 million business accounts are estimated.

With the launch of IG Shopping, Instagram users will be able to make purchases without leaving the app, a facility that will undoubtedly attract more customers online.

Despite the fact that details of the new app, launch date or the functions it will offer have not yet been published, users are waiting for this new tool.


Source: Marketing4Ecommerce

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