Citibank joins the cryptocurrency market

The US institution will launch a digital asset service which will also include NFT and CBDC

Citibank reported that it is close to launching a digital asset service that will be aimed at certain clients, which will be called “Digital Assets Group.”

This service, according to the banking institution, will include the main cryptocurrencies as well as non-fungible tokens (NFT), stablecoins, CBDC, among others.

According to an internal statement, which was signed by two directors of the market and investment sector, it indicates that the new unit will be focused on “all aspects of the finance space on the blockchain, which is growing very fast.”

The directors in charge will be Alex Kriete and Greg Girasole. They will be “responsible for promoting Citi Global Wealth Investments’ efforts to become a leading market partner for our clients interested in the digital asset space,” the statement explains.

K. Tovar

Source: Geekstrong

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