Google Assistant adds support for third-party health and fitness data

The digital tool has added the new Wellness or Wellbeing section, as reported by the Android Police portal

The Google Assistant has incorporated into its application support to be able to use exercise and health data from third-party services, including sleep and nutrition tracking information from connected devices such as Fitbit.

Google’s digital tool has added the new Wellness or Wellbeing section, as discovered by the Android Police portal, to complete the data integration process of Fitbit, a company that Google acquired in 2019 for almost 1,900 million euros.

The new section has Fitbit tracking data, and allows the user to use the Assistant to access sleep data collected by devices compatible with the Google tool.

With this feature, Assistant users can connect to third-party services to track health data, including exercise and nutrition.

In this way, users can use their compatible devices so that the Assistant accesses information and can answer questions such as how long the user slept at night.

Source: dpa

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