WhatsApp had the highest traffic in history by the end of 2019

During the last hours of 2019, the instant messaging platform registered about 100,000 million messages sent

The WhatsApp instant messaging platform registered approximately 100,000 million messages sent in the final hours of 2019, a record number.

This is a figure that will surely enter the Guiness record book, as reported by the company property of Facebook.

In 2018, the network only had a traffic of 75,000 million messages, along with 13,000 million images and 5,000 million videos.

WhatsApp is one of the most famous messaging apps in the world and every day continues to impose unimaginable records.

2019 was quite good for the application. Especially, the WhatsApp features most used by its customers were text messages, status, picture messages, calls and voice memos.

K. Tovar

Source: FayerWayer

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