Petro to be used as payment mechanism for notarial and consular services

This measure is part of a set of plans promoted by the national government to promote the cryptocurrency in the country

The digital petro cryptocurrency promoted by the Venezuelan government incorporates little by little to new plans with the support of president Nicolás Maduro, with the intention of strengthening the economy. Among the measures announced in a national media transmission, is included the implementation of the cryptoactive as a payment system for notarial and consular services such as: passport, visa and apostille.

In this regard, the head of State indicated that at the local level, organizations such as SAIME (Administrative Identification, Migration and Foreigners Service), SAREN (Autonomous Registry and Notary Services) and services for citizens abroad should be canceled in petros.

“It is very important that all the services (the Saime), all the services abroad and in Venezuela (the apostille) be done in petros, as well as the renewal of passport abroad, the granting of visas. All the external service must be paid in petro: the passports, the visas, the extension of passports that occurs in the consulates, the embassies,” Maduro said to the country.

As part of the plans announced to promote the digital currency, the launch of the virtual store called Petro Shop was announced. It will operate as it does the Latin American MercadoLibre platform with the peculiarity that the shop only accepts payment in petros.

Venezuela’s president stressed that the cryptocurrency was created to protect the people and urged citizens to sell the items and goods they want under the new modality.


Source: diariobitcoin

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