The WhatsApp messaging application has begun to test the possibility of managing its two-factor verification security function through its desktop version for computers, something that can currently only be done from mobile.
This has been reported by the specialized portal WABetaInfo, which has noticed the novelty in the code of the latest betas of the application, although at the moment the feature is under development and is not operational.
Two-step verification allows users who register for their accounts to receive a six-digit PIN code on their mobile phones to confirm their identity and prevent malicious access and potential attacks.
Greater security for WhatsApp users
The app is now testing ways to introduce two-factor authentication control to WhatsApp Web and its desktop app as well in future updates to the service.
WABetaInfo has noticed the presence of a settings screen in the WhatsApp desktop ‘app’ that allows you to configure two-step verification, and that makes it possible to deactivate it, change the PIN or modify the recovery email.
Source: dpa