Venezuelan police are looking for a young man for theft of bitocoins
The CICPC is searching for Andrés Jesús Dos Santos Hernández, 23, for having simulated a kidnapping
The Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) is following in the footsteps of a 23-year-old Venezuelan for having simulated a kidnapping, and having also obtained funds in bitcoin.
The citizen Andrés Jesús Dos Santos Hernández is being sought by the authorities for having also stolen $ 1,150,000 in bitcoin, according to the director of the organization, Douglas Rico.
“Andrés Jesús Dos Santos Hernández (23) is wanted for money laundering and scam. He affected the economic assets of the victims for being a financial operator of the virtual currency Bitcoin,” said Douglas Rico, director of the body in his account in the social network Instagram.
The subject simulated a kidnapping where his captors allegedly forced him to enter the Binance platform. They would then have “forced” him to make transfers to different digital wallets, depleting all of the crypto assets in bitcoin.
K. Tovar
Source: Doble Llave