Venezuelan economy grew 8 % during the first semester

According to figures from the Central Bank of Venezuela, the country's economy grew 8 % in the first half of the year

Venezuela’s economy grew 8 % during the first half of 2024, according to data cited by the president of this nation, Nicolás Maduro, in a program on state television VTV.

The data provided by the Central Bank of Venezuela were cited when referring to the positive evolution of the national economy, in addition to predicting that this growth figure will be exceeded by the end of 2024.

Maduro pointed out that this result emanates from “the real and productive economy grew by 8 percent from January to June; It is the economy that produces goods, services, food, shoes.”

The announcement was made during a meeting of the president with microentrepreneurs in Caracas, where he highlighted that the “economic model promoted by his Government seeks to overcome dependence on income derived from oil, but without giving up, in any way, the development of the oil industry.”

He stressed the importance of oil worldwide, pointing out that Venezuela has the main global oil reserve.



(Reference image source: Unsplash+, in collaboration with Getty Images)

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