Venezuela creates the National Cybersecurity Council
Through Official Gazette No. 42,939, dated August 12, 2024, Venezuela creates the National Cybersecurity Council, together with the ministries of Defense, Science and Technology, Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade, Foreign Relations, Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Planning and National Commerce
The Venezuelan government created the National Cybersecurity Council through Official Gazette No. 42,939, dated August 12, 2024, with the participation of the ministries of Defense, Science and Technology, Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade, Foreign Relations, Internal Relations , Justice and Peace, Planning and National Commerce.
The Decree establishes that said body may “require from natural or legal persons of a public and private nature the data, statistics and information related to the computer security of the Nation.”
The council will have 13 specific powers, including “the creation of a permanent surveillance network for telematic incidents and the ability to request data, statistics and information related to the nation’s computer security from natural persons and public or private companies.”
As explained in the text of the decree, the National Cybersecurity Council will act as an advisor for the “generation of security policies, but its basic constitution is made up of representatives of ministries of the executive cabinet.”
Likewise, it establishes that cyberspace is now of public and strategic interest for the republic. Therefore, “the State requires the development of security, administration and control policies in its access and use, to ensure the common good, sovereignty and institutionalism for the benefit of the Nation.”
Functions of the National Cybersecurity Council
- Advise the President of the Republic and the Defense Council of the Nation in the development of the national cybersecurity policy that contains the plans and programs for computer security, technological surveillance, supervision and control of telematic incidents.
- Raise proposals for regulations, laws and regulations regarding the prevention of the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes.
- Verify the degree of compliance with the implementation of the plans and regulations adopted regarding cybersecurity.
- Formulate proposals and recommendations on cybersecurity policy, in harmony with the interests and objectives of the Nation to guarantee the supreme purposes of the State.
- Carry out continuous assessment of risks and threats in terms of computer security.
- Promote the establishment of a 24-hour surveillance network of telematic incidents, affiliated with regional peers to prevent, mitigate and/or control cross-border computer crimes, in accordance with article 41 of the United Nations document for the prevention of cybercrime.
- Constitute Interinstitutional and Emergency Work Committees, for the attention and prevention of the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes.
- Require from natural or legal persons of a public and private nature the data, statistics and information related to the computer security of the Nation, as well as their necessary support.
- Promote cybersecurity training programs with educational institutions, research centers and public and private entities.
- Promote the formation of multidisciplinary teams specialized in cybersecurity in the public and private sectors.
- Promote the necessary investments to strengthen the State’s telematics platform.
- Dictate the regulations for its organization and operation.
- Others that are decided within the Council, at least by two thirds of its permanent members.
Source: bancaynegocios
(Reference image source: Markus Spiske in Unsplash)
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