The Netherlands forces Apple to accept third-party payments

Dating applications within the Netherlands, and that are part of the technological catalog, will be able to work with alternative methods to Apple Pay

Apple will allow dating applications in the Netherlands to incorporate payments within the ‘app’ with third-party systems, with which the US company does not obtain commissions like the current 15 to 30%.

The American company took this measure after the Netherlands Consumer and Markets Authority published an order to allow payments with external systems to dating ‘apps’ in the European country.

Currently, all applications are required to use Apple’s internal payment system to remain in the App Store, with which the company guarantees security and earns commissions.

Apple explained that Dutch dating applications will have two special exceptions that will allow them to incorporate payments with external systems, although the company has assured that it will continue to obtain a commission for the transactions, still unspecified.

The developers of these applications will be able to direct consumers to the external website for which the developer is responsible for making internal payments or to incorporate a third-party payment system directly into the app itself.

K. Tovar

Source: Bloomberg

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