Stack, Google’s experimental app that serves as a billing agent

This experimental Android app uses machine learning from the Document AI tool

Stack is the latest application to emerge from Area 120, Google’s project incubator, and its mission is to help users organize documents such as receipts or invoices and prevent them from accumulating out of order or losing them.

This experimental Android app uses machine learning from the Document AI tool, initially intended for businesses to analyze millions of documents. At the moment, it is available in the United States.

As Christopher Pedregal, one of those responsible for Stack, explains, the application scans a document after taking a photo with the mobile camera, names it and even suggests a category where to save it.

Stack also uses its algorithm to locate information in a document, and it can make backup copies in the Google Drive cloud, as detailed in the Google blog.

Documents are protected with login technology, and the user can introduce an additional layer of biometric authentication.

Source: dpa

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