Peru approves its first cryptobank

The Financial Institution Fluyez received the authorization by the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP to operate as the first cryptobank of the country

Recently, the Superintendency of Banking, Insurance and AFP from Peru approved the incorporation of the institution Fluyez as the first cryptobank of the region.

Currently, this platform works with at least 60 different types of cryptocurrencies, where the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, highlight, among others. In addition, it has some 5,000 verified users.

“Fluyez is a digital ecosystem based on cryptocurrencies that offers new products and services to all its users. The goal we have is to be a new and best option for the traditional banking system, “said the founding partner of the aforementioned Startup, Luis Berrospi.

The main objective of the Peruvian institution is to be able to continue with its growth and consolidate within the local market in terms of business with cryptomoneds.

It is important to point out that the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFPs (SBS), as the regulatory authority in Peru, has insisted that the company Fluyez is only authorized to operate as a foreign exchange house in the country.

K. Tovar.

Source: Diariobitcoin

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