Microsoft announces the retirement of Windows Control Panel

The technology company Microsoft indicated that it will remove the Windows Control Panel application to give its place to Settings

Microsoft has announced that it will retire the Control Panel application, which was introduced in 1985 with Windows 1.0, to make way for a more modern one: Settings.

As all Windows users already know, Control Panel allows “a centralized location to view and manipulate system settings and controls, such as system time and date or network settings.”

With its elimination and replacement with the Settings application, the company seeks to offer customers a modern and simplified experience.

So far, users can find Control Panel on Windows, although the deadline for its availability on the system is not known.

This change is part of the measures that Microsoft has applied, such as the withdrawal, at the time, of Internet Explorer and Paint 3D that will be implemented on November 4 of this year.


Source: listindiario

(Reference image source: Windows in Unsplash)

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