Google applies AI to filter prohibited content

With the use of artificial intelligence, the world's largest search engine will censor all those images that have to do with child pornography

Google applied a new tool to its system which, thanks to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), will be able to identify content that has to do with child pornography.

After finding the image related to this topic, the content inspector will proceed to take corresponding actions.

As indicated by the company through its official blog, thanks to this tool it will be possible to work on 700% more publications in a same period of time, when compared to how it is currently done.

On the other hand, Google announced that it made this extension available to NGOs and their business partners, free of charge, through the content security programming interface (API).

“Although the historical approaches to find this content have been based exclusively on the comparison with pieces of known child pornography, the classifier keeps up with the delinquents by also guiding the content that has not been previously confirmed as child pornography,” explained the company on its official website.

Since 2000, Google has battled against child pornography networks in collaboration with organizations such as Technology Coalition or the WePROTECT Global Alliance.

K. Tovar

Source: Europapress

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