Argentine justice blocked Milei’s labor decree

The Argentine Justice suspended yesterday the labor effects of the controversial mega decree of necessity and urgency (DNU)

The Argentine judiciary yesterday suspended the labor effects of the controversial mega decree of necessity and urgency (DNU), promoted by President Javier Milei, which had entered into force on December 29, 2023.

This decree, which amended or repealed more than 300 regulations, faced a severe setback after the submission of an amparo by the General Confederation of Labor, the country’s most important workers’ union, last week.

The three judges of the Argentine Labour Appeals Chamber issued the measure, in particular nullifying the applicability of Chapter IV of the UND. This section of the decree extended the probationary period of workers from three to eight months, reduced the calculation for compensation payments, limited maternity and paternity leave, and significantly restricted the right to strike and other measures of force.

Judge Alejandro Sudera, in his decision, questioned the “necessity” and “urgence” invoked by President Milei to issue the decree.

He argued that the need for such a large number of measures was not objectively demonstrated and that there were no grounds of urgency to prevent the legislature from intervening properly in substantive legislation. This suspension marks a significant moment in the relationship between the executive and the judiciary in Argentina.

K. Tovar

Source: Bancaynegocios

(Reference image source: @EmmaRincon, X)

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