Instagram includes age verification with video

The social network, owned by Meta, announced that it will do this verification through a selfie video

Meta reported that the new age verification tools on Instagram, through an identification document or Video Selfie, came into force this week in several countries around the world.

This way, if a minor profile wants to edit their age to 18 or older, verification will automatically be required to back it up. That’s because, as Instagram’s Director of Public Policy Tara Hopkins said, it’s important to know the age of the profiles using the platform to make sure the experience is “age-appropriate” and that is “a challenge” for the industry.

In the case of choosing verification by means of an identity document, once the age has been verified, the image of the document will be stored “securely” for 30 days. After that, it will be removed, as Instagram has assured in a press release.

On the other hand, in the case of verification through Video Selfie, an age verification technology developed by the company specialized in this field “Yoti” will be used. This technology will estimate the age of the account owner, however, it does not have facial recognition or identification of the person.

That is, it cannot recognize the identity of a user, only the age. Yoti’s technology also doesn’t learn or recognize the person’s name, and once the age is verified, the video will be deleted immediately.

In this sense, Hopkins insisted that “it is a very important step” and has shown his satisfaction in working with Yoti, who “is leading the way in building an effective technology to verify age, while maintaining privacy standards.

K. Tovar

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Source: Xataka

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