The next update to the WhatsApp messaging platform includes a new feature aimed at protecting privacy. This is about preventing users from taking screenshots of conversations.
The ban on taking screenshots will be activated in the latest beta version of the application. In this way, even the profile identification photo cannot be captured. They have indicated that this seeks to avoid scams, identity theft and harassment.
Although it may be uncomfortable, the measure “seeks to provide greater security to users, who will be able to feel more at ease knowing that their profile photos and other personal information will be protected from prying eyes.”
In any case, it is important to detail how this prohibition will work. Once the update is activated, if the user attempts to take a screenshot of a contact’s profile, it will appear that this has happened and that the image has been saved. However, when you go to the Gallery and try to open it, a message will appear indicating that “the image has been blocked to protect the privacy of users.”
The measure applies “both to added contacts and to those who are not added, with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of all users of the platform.”
Source: fayerwayer
(Reference image source: Swello en Unsplash)
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